10 Movie Trailer Cliches Everyone Is Tired Of

9. Gushing Critical Praise Quotes

The Confirmation Clive Owen
Great Point Media

It often feels like film critics are tripping over themselves to gush about a film as enthusiastically as possible, perhaps to endear themselves to a movie's PR firm and hopefully get quoted on the marketing materials.

It's obviously a strategy that works, as movie trailers - especially for "prestige" films which have spent months on the festival circuit - love to include the most ostentatious critical pontifications possible.

The more flowery the praise the better, but also the more cringe-worthy. Nothing makes a film trailer seem more desperate than a critical quote which professes a movie or a performance to effectively be the second coming of Christ.

The moment a trailer bombards you with effusive pull quotes and promises that the lead actors are "transcendent", "mesmerising" and so on, it's time to be suspicious.

Examples: Back when 2016 political thriller Miss Sloane was hoping to net Jessica Chastain an Oscar, the trailer below featured the hilariously overwrought quote, "Chastain gives a thermo-nuclear performance." What does that even mean? Either way, she didn't even get nominated.

This wince-inducing trailer for Call Me By Your Name meanwhile extolled the film's "ravishing filmmaking and piercing wisdom" among other poetic objectives, effectively resembling a parody of a what an art-house movie trailer is supposed to be.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.