10 Movie Trailers Released BEFORE FX Was Added

8. Venom

Avengers Endgame Tony Stark
Sony Pictures Releasing

The original teaser trailer for Venom dropped around eight months before the film ended up hitting cinemas, and many fans complained about the frustrating lack of completed visual effects in the teaser - particularly the fact that they didn't get a single clear shot of the titular symbiote.

The second half of the trailer in particular features a number of money shots which are entirely bereft of the CGI they'd eventually feature in the final film.

First off, there's the shot of Eddie Brock (Tom Hardy) riding his motorcycle down the San Francisco streets while cars seemingly spontaneously explode behind him, yet the final theatrical version features symbiote tentacles flinging the cars to explain the phenomenon.

Later the trailer shows a group of office workers being flung around by a seemingly invisible force, which in the film turns out to be the villainous symbiote Riot.

And finally, there's the glimpse of Brock convulsing violently on a table, which in the film is accompanied by VFX of Venom attempting to emerge from him.

Given that the effects were a massive part of Venom's appeal, it was probably a mistake to release the trailer without them. It ultimately wasn't a spectacular marketing gaffe, though, considering the film's eventual $856.1 million box office haul.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.