10 Movie Trailers That Cleverly Hid Huge Spoilers

2. The Number Of Infinity Stones Acquired By Thanos - Avengers: Infinity War

Avengers Infinity War Captain America Thanos
Marvel Studios

The Spoiler

That by the time antagonist Thanos (Josh Brolin) makes it to Wakanda and battles the Avengers, he has already obtained five of the six Infinity Stones needed to complete the snap.

How The Trailer Hid It

The marketing for Infinity War did an impressively comprehensive job of misdirecting fans, but never more decisively than when it came to the film's climactic Wakanda fight.

In the trailer, when Captain America (Chris Evans) battles Thanos, it's clear that the Mad Titan is only in possession of two Infinity Stones, suggesting either that this scene takes place earlier in the movie before Thanos has acquired more stones, or that Infinity War in fact concludes with Thanos yet to collect all six.

Marvel Studios quite brilliantly decided to digitally alter the Infinity Gauntlet to keep audiences on their toes, as was also the case during the Titan battle, where the trailer showed Thanos holding up the Gauntlet with just two stones collected.

Had we seen Cap trying to keep Thanos' hand at bay with all-but-one slot filled, it would've been decidedly more obvious what was going on. Instead, the ambiguity only intensified speculation and kept Infinity War's ending a genuine shocker.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.