10 Movie Trailers That Cleverly Hid Huge Spoilers

1. Spoiling One Twist To Protect Another - Shutter Island

Shutter Island Teddy Daniels

The Spoiler

That protagonist Teddy Daniels (Leonardo DiCaprio) - whose real name is revealed to be Andrew Laeddis - has in fact been cured of his insanity.

But the cruel kicker? In the film's final moments, he feigns a relapse in order to be lobotomised, so that he won't have to live with the knowledge of murdering his wife (Michelle Williams) and failing to save his children from drowning.

How The Trailer Hid It

Shutter Island is one of the more peculiarly-marketed mystery movies in recent times, if only because Paramount made a clear choice to sacrifice one plot twist for the sake of the other.

Ahead of the film's release, practically everybody guessed the "Leo is really crazy" twist, and many complained that the movie's marketing was signposting this reveal far too obviously.

But ultimately, this was a clever gamble that prevented many from guessing the real twist, and some were so pre-occupied with how "obvious" the film was that they might've missed the final twist entirely.

It's certainly a risky way to preserve a final "gotcha!", but it was sure as hell effective.


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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.