10 Movie Trilogies That Must Be Completed

7. Hellboy

Hellboy 2 The Golden ArmyThe Movie: The latest adventure of Hellboy and the rest of the B.R.P.D., with the Red Devil having to juggle his responsibilities as a hero and his new-found duties as a father to twins. Is It Happening?: Del Toro has always wanted to make the movie, and star Ron Perlman is totally game for it, but it really comes down to financials; we were lucky to get a second Hellboy movie given the first film's mediocre showing, and though Hellboy 2 nearly doubled its budget at the box office, is that really enough to make the bean counters enthusiastic about another stab at this world? The word to use here is "uncertainty"; a lot of people want this project to move forward both in terms of the production and fans, but it's really a case of Del Toro managing to get all the moving parts (namely an adequate budget) in line. Likelihood: It could happen, though the so-so box office reception of Pacific Rim (again, doubling its budget but not much more) doesn't exactly place him in good stead. Still, the fact that Del Toro got a second film financed is a miracle, so don't count him out just yet. 5/10.

Frequently sleep-deprived film addict and video game obsessive who spends more time than is healthy in darkened London screening rooms. Follow his twitter on @ShaunMunroFilm or e-mail him at shaneo632 [at] gmail.com.