10 Movie Trilogy Conclusions Fans Are Still Desperate To See
7. Ghostbusters
It's hard to imagine a summer blockbuster movie starring three middle-aged white guys going into production today - fortunately Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd and Harold Ramis are both likeable and funny enough to appeal to all demographics. The first instalment remains a nostalgia-fest for fans of 80s Hollywood - the iconic car, Peter Venkman (Murray) getting slimed by Slimer and the ridiculous appearance of the giant Stay Puft Marshmallow Man. It's no surprise that in box office terms it's the most successful comedy of the decade. The less said about 1989's Ghostbusters II the better. It might not have been quite the unmitigated disaster that some labeled it, but it sorely lacked the comic invention that made the first so special. When can we expect the final instalment? Rumours of a third Ghostbusters circulated for many years since part two was released, with Aykroyd writing a script of his own. For a brief moment it felt as if everything was going to come together, with Bill Murray's reluctance to appear in sequels being the main sticking point (he said in an interview in 2010, "I'd do it only if my character was killed off in the first reel"). Following the death of Harold Ramis last year the final part of the trilogy is no longer going to happen - instead, Paul Fieg will be rebooting the franchise and starting afresh, his all-female version hitting cinemas in July 22nd 2016. At least the Ghostbusters will be back, just not in the form many fans were hoping for.