10 Movie Trilogy Conclusions Fans Are Still Desperate To See

5. 300

While some people found the depiction of the Persians in 300 to veer towards the racist, few would deny that Zack Snyder's adaptation of the Frank Miller comic of the same name was full of visual invention. Battle scenes are rendered with the graphic stylings of the source material, giving it a unique look which compensates for the lack of thematic substance and narrative weight. 300: Rise Of An Empire succeeded only partially in recapturing the intense action and regressed even further when it came to the story, but was saved by an engaging and memorable performance from Eva Green as the villainous Artemisia. The teenage fanboys who lapped the film up were unlikely to have been phased by the film's mauling of history (and those who were probably missed the point of why it existed in the first place). When can we expect the final instalment? With a seven year gap between parts one and two this is clearly a franchise in no hurry to press onwards, and currently there's been no word from Warner Bros. to confirm a third instalment in the pipeline. Rise Of An Empire star Sullivan Stapleton has expressed his desire for more, telling Deadline, "I hope to God we do another sequel. If we don€™t, hopefully they put me in another film."

Andrew Dilks hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.