10 Movie Villain ‘Twists’ We Saw Coming A Mile Off

8. Khan Noonien Singh - Star Trek Into Darkness

Paramount Pictures

If there's one thing J.J. Abrams is known for as a director, aside from lens flare, its high secrecy and infuriating misdirection. Until I got in the cinema, I wouldn't have been surprised if the official Star Wars cast reveal was all a trick and it ended up that Simon Pegg and Greg Grunberg were playing Luke and Han respectively; he's that extreme.

Although the secrecy behind projects such as Cloverfield or Super 8 (and eventually The Force Awakens) only served to make the eventual product stronger, with Star Trek Into Darkness it was a lot trickier. Trekkies aren't renowned for their restraint and when Benedict Cumberbatch was cast in the sequel to the reboot, the fan community jumped on that he'd be playing Khan, a villain from the original series made iconic by Star Trek II: The Wrath Of Khan. Abrams didn't take this lying down, pushing that this was a new character to the series with the totally unremarkable name John Harrison. Some fans bought it, some didn't.

Into Darkness is a thinly veiled remake/homage/reimagining of Wrath Of Khan and once that became readily apparent it was only inevitable there'd be a scene with Cumberbatch revealing his true identity to fan gasps and audience shrugs.


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.