10 Movie Villain ‘Twists’ We Saw Coming A Mile Off

7. Lots-o'-Huggin' Bear - Toy Story 3


A friendly, sage old toy who is ridiculously nice to the hero(es) is subsequently revealed to be a maniacal villain who won't let the toys leave. But the question is, which film is it; Toy Story 2 or 3?

Now the hype around Pixar's trilogy ender has well and truly died down it's safe to say Toy Story 3 was simply a retread of the previous film with added tear-jerking moments without having hoards of angry Pixar fans converge on you in anger. While there's some interesting new ideas (the ending is pretty smart, if not the ultimate closure the film seems to think it is), the overall thing is mired in a sense of predictability. And nowhere is that more clear than with the villain.

Lotso, the leader of the toys at Sunnyside Day Care, was too nice and caring when introduced, not to mention identical in temperament the first sequel's villain, Stinky Pete. With the only other new toy given any exploration being Ken, it was obvious this strawberry-smelling bear was going to end up tyrannical.

The trailer didn't help. While Toy Story 2 presented Woody wanting to go back home less because he hated being with Jessie and Bullseye and more because he wanted to be with his friends, Toy Story 3's made it abundantly clear the main aim was to escape the day care, with getting to Andy an additional bonus. It's all a little less than we expect from Pixar.


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.