10 Movie Villains Who Tried To Cheat Death

7. Chucky - Child's Play

cult of chucky

His Plan: As a human, serial killer Charles Lee Ray ends up mortally wounded by police, and in a desperate attempt to evade death, uses voodoo magic to transfer his soul into the nearest living object...a Good Guy doll.

What Happened?: Ray avoided dying, but there was a catch to his continued existence (beyond spending it inside a toy, of course). The longer Ray spent in the doll, the more human he became, and so he learned that he needed to once again transfer his soul, this time into the first human he showed his possession to, his young owner Andy.

Chucky ends up "killed" at the end after being horribly burned and shot to pieces, but of course, this being a horror franchise, he keeps coming back regardless. In a sense, he did manage to cheat death (at least until people stop buying the movies).


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.