10 Movies You Can't Stop Watching When They Come On TV

2. James Bond

The quality of the James Bond movies varies as much as their tone; in no other series could the mediative Skyfall sit in the same box-set as the overly camp A View To A Kill. And while you could easily label over half of 007's adventures rather inessential, they still all remain hard to turn off once you start watching on telly. The surface make-up of a Bond movie has developed with the times, reflecting both changes in movies and real world events, but undercutting that is the same old formula. Suave spy, hot girls, cool cars, crazy gadgets and a hammy villain play a part in every movie and ensure that From Russia With Loves remains as accessible as Casino Royale, a film released over forty years later. That familiarity really adds to them in terms of the impossibility to turn them off. Although it also helps that the films are not on TV, making them increasingly appropriate for lazy viewing. Point of no return: There really isn't one universal rule, although we'd say once the villain reveals their plan there's enough of a reason to stick around.

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.