10 Movies You Can't Stop Watching When They Come On TV

3. Shaun Of The Dead

Probably not even Edgar Wright thought people would be talking about his rom-com with zombies a decade on from its initial release; on the set, many of the crew believed this would be bargain bin fodder, rather than one of the standout comedies of the 21st Century. Shaun of the Dead is one of those films so meticulously constructed it's hard to criticise, still funny the umpteenth time round. And, like Back To The Future, it is deceptively chock full of hidden gags and references, make it more than just a simple comedy. But that's not what makes it such an impossible film to stop watching. The key to that is much more fundamental, making Wright's obsessive film-making secondary to his ability to represent his audience. Shaun and Ed are such expertly drawn slackers that viewers either know, or indeed are. They're so familiar it's easy to dip into the film, whether they're having a pint or throwing records at the un-dead. Point of no return: As super-fans, we'd pick something from quite early on, when Shaun runs through his various plans.

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.