10 Movies You Can't Stop Watching When They Come On TV

5. The Matrix

On the face of it The Matrix shouldn't be a film that you can start watching part way through. It may have revolutionised action in Hollywood, but what dominates its plot is the ideas that its characters trade in. It's like in the future cash has been replaced as currency by concepts of our existence. The thing with The Matrix's ideals is that while there's a lot of philosophy thrown about, once you've grasped the basic concept there's little to stop you simply enjoying the film from an action level. Humans are batteries that power machines with their minds trapped in a computer program and... boom, bullet-time. And that not only makes it easy to join halfway through, but impossible to leave. There's a frantic pace to the plot that only ever lets up for even more frantic action. Heck, if you haven't seen the film before (how?) you know the general idea and can get on board with the ground-breaking visuals; once you start watching you're pretty much jacked in. Point of no return: When Neo and Trinity break into the building to save Morpheus. After that it's nothing but a relentless thrill-ride.

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.