10 Movies You Can't Stop Watching When They Come On TV

4. Anything Pixar

Few can manage to capture both kids and adults awe in quite the same way as Pixar. And doing all that without resorting to innuendo to keep parents entertained is highly commendable. Their movies are, on the face of it, endearing family pictures, but provide such strong messages and emotional depth that just about anyone can be swept up in the world of blue-collar monsters, lonely robots or gastronomic rodents. There's an ability to capture child-like joy without ever feeling twee that simply makes watching them from any point a delight, with characters as perfectly drawn as the animation. Even Cars 2, the unequivocal worst film from the studio, is still hard to pull away from. Sure, it's mainly out of morbid fascination, but there is still the animation to marvel at. The same can't be said of Disney on the whole - they lack the same level of consistency - although in some select cases it's trie; look at The Lion King and its ilk. Point of no return: The bit that makes you cry (there's one in pretty much every film). You don't get much of chance with Up.

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.