10 Movies From 2017 That Really Shouldn’t Have Been Boring

6. The Mummy

The Mummy Tom Cruise Annabelle Wallis

There was definitely a way for a Tom Cruise-starring reboot of The Mummy to work, but awkwardly forcing him to play an arrogant, unlikeable a**hole in a generic CGI-fueled blockbuster that desperately wants to sell audiences on its cinematic universe? That's not it.

At the very least, The Mummy should've been harmless, goofy fun with a few eye-popping set-pieces, yet by taking itself deathly seriously for the most part, combined with a dull colour palette and over-reliance on naff CGI effects, this reboot is legitimately boring for a good portion of its runtime.

It's never worse than when Sofia Boutella's bandaged antagonist is captured mid-way through the film and the story literally pauses to have Russell Crowe advertise the Dark Universe to audiences. This sequence goes on for about 20 minutes and makes an already thoroughly uninvolving film feel utterly soul-destroying.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.