10 Movies From 2017 That Really Shouldn’t Have Been Boring

4. Justice League

Justice League Poster
Warner Bros.

How can a superhero team-up movie starring so many awesome characters fall so freaking flat? One of the big problems with Justice League is that the vision was constantly tinkered with during and after production: Zack Snyder's grimdark tone was altered to be lighter and more akin to The Avengers, and this was enhanced by both Joss Whedon eventually taking over entirely, and Warner Bros. insisting that the film had to be a breezy two-hour romp and not a minute longer.

What could've been an ambitious comic book film ultimately stretched to be nothing more than a painfully generic one, no doubt due to nervous Warner Bros. executives seeing the negative response to Batman v Superman.

From its atrocious CGI villain to the lazy, rushed manner in which the Justice League is recruited, the forced playful banter and overwhelming digital action, it feels like a movie assembled by a focus group algorithim to broadly satisfy the largest audience possible and ensure the biggest box office return.

There are scenes that entertain, yes, but overall it's just so uninspired, unimaginative and cynical, completely abandoning whatever was genuinely interesting from Snyder's previous DCEU movies in favour of soft, consequence-free slop where nothing matters and it's hard to get remotely invested.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.