10 Movies From 2019 Everyone's Already Forgotten

6. Dark Phoenix

Triple Frontier Ben Affleck

Dark Phoenix is in a strange position where not only was the audience ready to forget its existence from the offset, but the studio also really wanted them to forget it too.

With the tentative announcement of an X-Men MCU reboot at San Diego Comic Con less than two months after the release of what should have been Fox's swan song, Dark Phoenix really was dead on arrival.

It was easy to tell from its early marketing that Fox were desperate to grab any money from the dumpster fire that they possibly could before letting it burn eternally, going as far as to literally show a major character death in the very first trailer to try and grab audience attention in the most extreme way possible.

Dark Phoenix managed to gross $250 million against a $200 million production budget. For reference, Days of Future Past earned $260 million in its opening weekend. Yikes. What a sad way to end such an iconic superhero franchise.


Chances are I’m watching a movie or replaying Mass Effect rather than doing anything productive.