10 Movies From The 2000s That Made More Money Than You Thought

1. Shrek 2

Transformers: Revenge Of The Fallen

The Shrek franchise is on the reboot assembly line, leading folks to forget this franchise was once the hottest animated property around. It effectively ended Disney's reign of terror over animation, and won the first animated Oscar.

The second installment left no stone unturned and took the title for highest grossing 3d animated film of all time with an adjusted domestic gross of $640,000,000, a title it still holds. While a terrific film, its constant jabs and references make it quite dated, leading people to forget this film beat Finding Nemo, Toy Story, and every other 3d animated film.

While arguably a PG-13 film, it was comical enough for kids enjoy along with the target audience - their parents. This film along with many others may have been forgotten or maligned, but it still holds a spot on the box office charts.

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Nick Wilson is a film addict obsessed with what makes a movie a box-office success. His favorite films are the Hobbit and Lord of the Rings trilogies. He also runs the YouTube channel Just Deux It.