10 Movies From The 2000s That Made More Money Than You Thought

8. Star Wars: Episode 1 - The Phantom Menace

Transformers: Revenge Of The Fallen

Everyone who had ever enjoyed Star Wars was bound to buy a ticket for the return to Star Wars. But looking back, after the hype had worn off and the reviews had set in, it's hard to understand how such a disappointment made 813 million dollars domestically when adjusted for inflation.

The much-maligned prequel sold as many tickets as Avengers: Endgame. While hard to wrap our heads around now, when it came out, it was almost guaranteed to make a killing. Internet hate on the scale of The Last Jedi didn't exist yet, and most people thought of it as a pretty good film. It told a descent story, and while it certainly wasn't Star Wars, it stood on its own.

Looking back, it probably doesn't deserve that much money, but when hype that widespread isn't diluted by the divisiveness of today, it can lead to some solid box-office, even if the quality doesn't hold up.

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Nick Wilson is a film addict obsessed with what makes a movie a box-office success. His favorite films are the Hobbit and Lord of the Rings trilogies. He also runs the YouTube channel Just Deux It.