10 Movies From The 2000s That Made More Money Than You Thought

7. The Matrix Reloaded

Transformers: Revenge Of The Fallen
Warner Bros.

Another example of a subpar film making bank is The Matrix Reloaded. The excitement around the Matrix only grew on home video release, expanding the fanbase. The Wachowskis had the plan and studio backing to create two sequels back-to-back. What little footage was teased hyped the fanbase, and the opening weekend was destined to be monstrous, but they forgot one thing.

They forgot to make a good movie.

Reloaded was OK, but it was meant for 12-year-olds with the mind of a philosopher. While panned by most, the film made 420 million compared to the first's 304 million. Exactly how is anyone's guess, but the underlying themes and storytelling were actually pretty good. There were some great sequences and ideas, but the execution (bowling pin sound effects?) made the film flawed in the public's eye.

Much like Empire Strikes Back, on first look it felt like more of the same but over time has become better regarded. While it may have failed to live up to the original, it was still good enough to make some serious bucks.

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Nick Wilson is a film addict obsessed with what makes a movie a box-office success. His favorite films are the Hobbit and Lord of the Rings trilogies. He also runs the YouTube channel Just Deux It.