10 Movies It Was Impossible To Dislike

7. The Dark Knight

Based on the DC Marvel comics, the cinematic brilliance of this film continues to astound me. You might be wondering "why so serious" a movie has made it onto the list. Surely, as an action film, there's bound to be a plethora of people who reluctantly saw the film (maybe they were forced to by a boyfriend, or it was on TV one night when there was nothing else on) and didn't like it. I disagree. I think regardless as to whether or not you're a fan of the comics, there's a whole host of factors that make this film an exceptional piece of cinema, and subsequently impossible to dislike - Heath Ledger for one thing. His performance as the Joker is haunting, he captures the nature of a madman who likes chaos for chaos' sake perfectly, and it's such a shame about his untimely death. If you appreciate nothing else about this movie, you have to credit Ledger's performance.

There was no shortage of pyrotechnics - but I felt they had the correct balance of effects, something which can't be said for 'The Dark Knight Rises' - it is exhilarating, fast paced, and keeps you on the edge of your seat for the movie's duration. Christian Bale not only makes people swoon, but makes people everywhere jealous; deep down we all want to be a crime solving vigilante at night. If I haven't sold you The Dark Knight yet - what about Michael Caine? Everybody loves Alfred.

Hi I'm Beth, a 17 year old girl from the UK who is most often found sat in front of my computer in my room making no noise and pretending I don't exist*. I like coffee (black, two sugars), old books and I'm currently studying the art of procrastination. On a more serious note, I'm currently studying for my A Levels, taking English Literature, English Language, History and Economics. I intend to study either English or Journalism at university. *that's a Harry Potter reference. If you didn't get that, then shame on you.