Quite often, as was the case for the X-Men, fans of a comic book series will be frustrated by movie adaptations. "Crucial" things are omitted due to timing constraints; the wrong person is cast for a role and so on. But for me, The Avengers was one of the best movies of 2012; despite how much capacity it had to be disliked by Marvel fans it stood out as a phenomenal piece of cinema full of action, witty dialogue and loveable characters that you end up wishing were real. Initially I was concerned that some of the "loud" characters would lose their impact as a consequence of humour being more typically associated with Iron Man and Thor. But I was relieved to see the characters bouncing off one another with The Hulk and Thor participating in what has become one of my favourite film moments, the punch scene. Banner/Hulk in his attitude towards Chris Hemsworth's Thor just shouts "please don't for one second assume I now like you" and certainly made me chortle in the cinema when he floors the other hero. Plus there's a bunch of dishy men (and a woman!) running around saving the day. You can call me shallow, but I'm in no position to dislike Robert Downey Jr.'s or Chris Evans' face. It's got the classic "nick-of-time" element with the "he can't be dead, surely?" factor too, and is overall a movie that I'm certain your whole family enjoyed.
Hi I'm Beth, a 17 year old girl from the UK who is most often found sat in front of my computer in my room making no noise and pretending I don't exist*. I like coffee (black, two sugars), old books and I'm currently studying the art of procrastination.
On a more serious note, I'm currently studying for my A Levels, taking English Literature, English Language, History and Economics. I intend to study either English or Journalism at university.
*that's a Harry Potter reference. If you didn't get that, then shame on you.