10 Movies In 2017 That Killed The Wrong Character

6. Merlin (Mark Strong) - Kingsman: The Golden Circle

Kingsman The Golden Circle Mark Strong Merlin

The Death: Merlin (Mark Strong) steps on a landmine and finds himself stuck there, ultimately sacrificing himself by stepping off the mine, blowing up a fleet of Poppy's (Julianne Moore) guards in the process.

Who Should've Died Instead: Take your pick, honestly. Roxy (Sophie Cookson) died a pointless death at the start of the movie anyway, so why not give her a bigger role instead and have her make the landmine sacrifice? At least then her demise would've meant something.

Alternatively, you could have Tequila (Channing Tatum) make a surprise return from the deep-freeze and take Merlin's place, considering how little he actually did in the movie.

Either way, killing a character as likeable as Merlin was a mistake. If it was ever going to happen, it should've been saved for the inevitable third film.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.