10 Movies In 2017 That Killed The Wrong Character

5. Courtney Holmes (Ellen Page) - Flatliners

Flatliners Ellen Page

The Death: At the end of the movie's second act, protagonist Courtney Holmes (Ellen Page) is confronted by visions of her dead sister - a death Courtney herself caused - and after attempting to escape the visions, ends up falling from a fire escape to her death.

Who Should've Died Instead: Pretty much anyone else, basically. Nobody got off scot-free in this movie but Ellen Page was clearly the most talented actor in it, and killing her off 30 minutes before the end was a terrible idea, employed for shock value and not much else.

The rest of the cast is pretty much left to flounder for the film's remainder, yet with Page in the driver's seat, things might've been a little easier to bear. Killing off Nina Dobrev's Marlo instead and effectively swapping their roles in act three would surely have made more sense. The movie would probably still suck, but it'd most likely suck a little less at least.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.