10 Movies In Dire Need Of A Director's Commentary

8. Dune - David Lynch

dunefight I only very recently discovered David Lynch's big budget adaptation of Dune. I'm not one of the ten people in the world who think it's an underrated classic, though it is definitely an interesting film. But I think more interesting than the movie itself is all the drama behind the scenes. Now, Lynch doesn't really do commentaries, but since Dune is perhaps less weird and more straightforward than most of his films (sort of), it'd be the one of his I'd like to hear the most. Now, I know that Lynch has said that filming Dune was the worst experience of his career. And I certainly don't wish to make the guy relive any painful memories. But, being a film geek, I can't help but wonder how great it would be to get to hear him talk about it all in a commentary.
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What KC Mobley lacks in height, he makes up for in sheer passion. Especially when it comes to films and 80's heavy metal. Don't be afraid, he doesn't bite...much.