10 Movies In Dire Need Of A Director's Commentary

6. Jurassic Park - Steven Spielberg

jurassicpark I thought it'd be a good idea to add Jurassic Park to this list, as it's been on everyone's minds lately. With the 3D re-release and the recent announcement of the fourth installment, 2013 seems like, to me anyways, "Jurassic Park Year". But all that aside, let's focus on the first, and best, in the series. Jurassic Park is a film that works on so many levels. As well as having been a technical achievement at the time of it's release, and paving the way for CGI in film, it's incredibly thought-provoking. And that's precisely why it needs a commentary from director Steven "Never Done A Commentary" Spielberg. Yes, Spielberg has, to date, never done a commentary for any of his films. In my mind, Jurassic Park would be a great one to start with if he ever decides to.
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