10 Movies In Dire Need Of A Director's Commentary

5. The Big Lebowski - The Coen Brothers

the-big-lebowski-1 Okay, so you're like...probably noticing a pattern here...man. (Sorry, I know it's cheesy, but I couldn't resist throwing in some Dude-esque wordage in there.) You're probably noticing that most of the films on this list are from directors that haven't done commentaries at all. The Coen brothers are obviously no exception. Shame really, because pretty much their entire filmography deserves to be analyzed and talked about. And the Coens are such geniuses in the art of filmmaking that it's about time they give us some commentary goodness and let us all in on what they're trying to say. And what better film to choose than what is arguably their most well-known movie, The Big Lebowski? Yeah okay, maybe Fargo or No Country For Old Men would be more film geeky choices. But TBL is such a dense and hilarious film that we'd all love to hear the brothers talk about in detail. Of course, that's just like...my opinion, man. (That was the last one, I promise.)
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What KC Mobley lacks in height, he makes up for in sheer passion. Especially when it comes to films and 80's heavy metal. Don't be afraid, he doesn't bite...much.