10 Movies Missing From Warner Bros.' DCEU Slate (And Why)

8. Cyborg

Deathstroke Justice League
Warner Bros.

Originally announced for an April 2020 release date, something tells us that Cyborg probably won't meet that at this point! Honestly, this seemed like a bad idea from the start, especially as it was announced before Justice League was even released.

Cyborg is a fun character, but he's never really held his own in a long-running comic book series, and it's damn near impossible to figure out what a film like this would even be about. There were rumours at one point that the hero would be used in The Flash's movie, but that's been through so many iterations at this point, who knows if it's still the case.

Actor Ray Fisher has been an outspoken supporter of the Snyder Cut of Justice League, and it seems highly unlikely he was anything other than disappointed by the way Cyborg was used in Joss Whedon's version of the film.

With all of that in mind, Fisher probably doesn't have a lot of interest in reprising the role, while the fact a writer and director was never even attached in those early days just proves that Warner Bros. was throwing ideas at the wall to see what would stick rather than seriously moving forward with the project.


Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.