10 Movies Roger Ebert Loved That Everyone Else Hated

6. Speed 2 (3 stars)

Speed 2: Cruise ControlEbert Quote: "Is the movie fun? Yes. Especially when the desperate Sandra Bullock breaks into a ship's supply cabinet and finds a chainsaw, which I imagine all ships carry. And when pleasure boaters somehow fail to see a full-size runaway ocean liner until it is three feet from them. Movies like this embrace goofiness with an almost sensual pleasure. And so, on a warm summer evening, do I." Critical Consensus: 2% Though it's easy to appreciate Ebert's remark that a film can coast on being goofy, dumb fun, Speed 2: Cruise Control goes beyond being merely daft and is an insulting, stupid sequel that aims to rip-off everyone who got a kick out of the superb original film. There's no Keanu Reeves (Jason Patric is a poor substitute), no intelligence to the action, little thrill factor - just Sandra Bullock temporarily ruining her credibility, and Willem Dafoe giving one of his more unhinged performances as the film's sole redeeming aspect.
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Frequently sleep-deprived film addict and video game obsessive who spends more time than is healthy in darkened London screening rooms. Follow his twitter on @ShaunMunroFilm or e-mail him at shaneo632 [at] gmail.com.