10 Movies Ruined By Creepy CGI

7. The Polar Express

Cats movie
Warner Bros.

Robert Zemeckis is a filmmaker who constantly strives to push the boundaries of VFX, and for all of the success that he's had, his ambition has resulted in a fair few failed experiments also.

And so, we have 2004's The Polar Express, an animated film which used state-of-the-art motion capture technology to translate the performances of the cast, led by Tom Hanks, into apparently tangible digital characters.

Though much of the film is a well-aged visual feast, it ultimately breaks down when it comes to capturing the essence of human beings: none of the characters in the movie, especially the children, are quite convincing enough as people.

The jelly in their eyes is dry and lifeless, and their eye movements seem unsettlingly unnatural, as though they're mannequin approximations of humans - which they effectively are.

It doesn't help that Tom Hanks plays several characters throughout the movie, and because audiences are acutely aware of how the real Hanks is supposed to look, the disconnect of his dead-eyed digital counterpart is massively amplified.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.