10 Movies You Shouldn’t Claim Are Your Favourite On A First Date

8. The Woodsman

The Woodsman is an interesting character study and if anyone is questioning Kevin Bacon€™s acting skills, they should watch this movie. It€™s also the movie where he plays a convicted pedophile that has been released from prison, but is still dealing with his urges on the outside. So while it€™s a good movie, it€™s not something you should really mention on a date, even if you are trying to show that you are deep and like artsy movies. Just avoid it for now. If you do say you love it, you either have to explain your deep-seated love for Kevin Bacon (which is okay, but more second or third date material) or you have to explain why you like a movie about this type of issue. This could lead to weird accusations and even if your date doesn't straight up accuse you of anything, they still aren't thinking you love the movie because you like artistic character studies. What will stick in their mind is that your favourite movie is about a sympathetic child molester. Not an impression you want to give off. Just a helpful hint; avoid movies about pedophilia, especially when it sympathises with the predator.
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Robert is a Canadian entertainment, true crime and crime fiction writer. You can visit his website at http://robertgrimminck.wix.com/writer