10 Movies So Predictable Everyone Thought They Were Tricking Us

1. Ender's Game

Enders Game Asa Butterfield
Summit Entertainment

You've gotta begrudgingly admire a film that quite literally spells out its big twist ahead of time.

Both the trailers and posters for Ender's Game actually tell the viewer, "This is not a game," a line that might sound like nothing more than a cool-yet-hollow catchphrase, until you watch the film and realise its climactic twist reveals that Ender's (Asa Butterfield) "successful training exercise" was actually a real genocide against an alien race.

Granted, spoilers were freely available before the movie even started shooting, it being based on a book and all, but it's a shame the marketing implanted the idea in viewers' heads before they even sat down to watch it.

And if you still hadn't figured it out, some of the posters even had the gall to show Ender annihilating the alien planet. Nice.

For anyone unfamiliar with Orson Scott Card's novel, it really seemed too obvious a reveal to be true, and yet, there it was in plain sight.


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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.