10 Movies So Predictable Everyone Thought They Were Tricking Us

7. Jurassic World

Owen Claire Jurassic World
Universal Pictures

Between Star Wars: The Force Awakens, Creed, Terminator Genisys and Jurassic World, 2015 really was the year of nostalgia-fuelled reboot-sequels, and the fourth entry into the Jurassic Park franchise proved to be an especially transparent, by-the-numbers blockbuster.

Though Jurassic World certainly looked different enough to the previous films and touted an entirely new cast of characters, the A-to-Z narrative through-line was largely a retread of what we've seen before - a business' shady operations give way to dinosaurs getting loose and trying to slaughter, well, everyone, until the "good" dinosaurs save the day.

Protagonists Owen (Chris Pratt) and Claire (Bryce Dallas Howard) admittedly aren't total facsimiles of prior franchise protagonists, but pairing the goofball tough guy with the uptight businesswoman was such a played-out way to go, such that Joss Whedon went on to dub it "sexist" on Twitter.

Elsewhere you've got two child characters thrown into the mix, and to the surprise of nobody who's seen the original Jurassic Park, they end up in peril themselves.

Is Jurassic World a bad movie because it's predictable and follows the series' established formula?

Not really, but given how long fans had been waiting for a fourth movie, and how much it was talked-up as a radical reinvention of the franchise, it was rather underwhelming how eagerly it cribbed from its predecessors.

On the other hand, the sequel, Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom, went too far the other way.

While nobody could've predicted a subplot involving human cloning and the dinosaurs eventually being freed into human civilisation, it was also too damn stupid to stomach.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.