10 Movies That Have Special Editions Worse Than Star Wars

1. E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial: 20th Anniversary Edition

Although Han shooting second is certainly irritating and Hayden Christensen popping up at the end of Return Of The Jedi is scandalous, the worst elements of the Star Wars Special Editions are the computer generated creatures added in. Dated more than the original model work, stuff like the CGI Jabba from A New Hope and the new band in the Hutt's palace is just plain embarrassing. It's so awful you can't help but imagine what terrible effects would do to equally beloved films. Well imagine no longer because to celebrate twenty years of E.T. in 2002 Steven Spielberg decided to give the enduring alien a CGI face-lift. Thinking the animatronic's face looked unconvincing (he's wrong), Spielberg had ILM make E.T. a compiterised creature, as well as adding some extra, superfluous scenes to piss fans off more. The most perplexing change was replacing the guns of the FBI agents with walkie talkies, which only serves to make them look more incompetent. The changes are as intrusive as what Lucas did to his space saga and the new face succeeds in making E.T. creepy, rather than adorable. Thankfully, Spielberg realised the error of his ways and all subsequent releases of the film boast the Anniversary Edition merely as a bonus feature, with him keen to return focus to the 1982 original. Hopefully Disney will correct Lucas' mistake with Star Wars in a similar manner sooner rather than later. Which other films are ruined by terrible Special Editions? Let us know in the comments below.
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Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.