10 Movies Starring Supernatural Actors

5. The Resident - Jeffery Dean Morgan

Katie Cassidy A Nightmare On Elm Street

The infamous horror movie studio churned out this little paranoid-thriller in 2011, directed by Antti Jokinen and starring Hilary Swank, Christopher Lee and Papa Winchester himself, Jeffery Dean Morgan.

Swank plays Juliet Devereau, a surgeon who has recently broken up with her boyfriend after finding him cheating on her. She rents a large apartment in an old building owned and managed by Max (Jeffery Dean Morgan). The two experience an instant connection and soon begin a love affair. However, when Juliet decides to break it off and mend fences with her ex, Max reveals a far darker side to himself. He becomes obsessive and controlling, beginning to stalk Juliet and spy on her in her home.

Morgan is fantastic here, weaponizing all the charm he has displayed in previous rom-com roles to make you like him and then flipping it around when it is revealed he is an insecure and deeply troubled psychopath. It’s a character twist not unlike that of Norman Bates in the original Psycho; a sweet and good natured young man who turns out to be an insane killer.

Although Swank is the lead here it is Morgan who leaves his fingerprints all over the movie. As it becomes clear just how many screws this guy has loose, we never quite know just how many steps ahead of Juliet he is, how easily he is able to watch her or quite what he might do next.

Add in the fact that the movie sees Hammer Icon Christopher Lee reuniting with the studio and this movie really is a must-watch.


I'm Jamie, I am a writer and filmmaker based in Essex, UK. My key interests are in film and TV, particularly horror and comedy. I've published several short stories and hoping to publish a novel soon. Specialist subjects include Resident Evil, horror movies and Doctor Who.