10 Movies That Actually Do Need A Remake

6. The Greatest Showman - Give Us The Truth!

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This may be a guilty pleasure movie, but that doesn't mean there isn't potential there for just a straight pleasure movie. A well-executed, historically accurate movie that fully encapsulates the horrors that surrounded the king of circus ringleaders: P T Barnum.

Do you remember that feeling you got, the first time you watched The Greatest Showman when the credits rolled and the final note of the final song finished playing? It was so uplifting, wasn't it? Unfortunately, that bubbling feeling of joy inside has come from false pretences, because that "based on a true story" movie you watched, isn't all that true.

Hugh Jackman may play a dapper musical theatre hero, one you just cannot help but root for, but the real man under that tophat was not all that great. The real P T Barnum was a wretched man, who was cruel to humans and animals alike; especially when it came to his circus.

So I propose a remake that follows the TRUE story of P T Barnum. Something grittier that celebrates the triumphs of the circus performers and portrayed Barnum as the villain he was. No uplifting musical numbers, no creepy CGI animals, just an unflinching gaze at the real story.


Lily thought it was about time she wrote Top Ten lists for people other than herself. She also owes her dog a lot of money so she thought it was about time to pay her dues. There is no tv show she likes that she hasn't seen at least twice.