10 Movies That Actually Do Need A Remake

3. In Time - What Wasted Potential You Have... All The Better To Disappoint You With My Dear!

Avatar Movie

A world in which time is the only currency, where people pay hours or more of their life just for a loaf of bread. Yes, we'd all like to stay young and never grow old, but when the cost of that is a literal ticking time bomb on your arm that counts down the seconds till you die, you may reconsider your choices.

If that premise sounds horrifying to you, that's because it is. The rich no longer just stay rich while the poor get poorer, they bask in their fortune while living for centuries at a time, while the poor are lucky to live to 30. It's a bleak and chilling concept that could have worked in many ways with so many different stories or genres. But the writers chose to squander the brilliant concept on a half baked Robin Hood retelling. It. was. bad!

People were so disappointed, not just because the film turned out to be completely mediocre, but because the concept had gotten everyone's hopes up. So, it's time Hollywood makes it up to us all with a well-done remake.

There are many ways they could go with the remake. They could bring Jordan Peele in for a political horror movie; the concept holds all the bones for this. Or maybe David Fincher can grunge out the story and really play up the grotty lives of the poor living from second to second. All I know is that we NEED to see it, and soon.


Lily thought it was about time she wrote Top Ten lists for people other than herself. She also owes her dog a lot of money so she thought it was about time to pay her dues. There is no tv show she likes that she hasn't seen at least twice.