10 Movies That Actually Do Need A Remake

2. Singing In The Rain - Steven Spielberg, Get On This!

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Another entry on this list that is inspired by recent trends in Hollywood! If you're in the musical theatre fandom, like me, you're probably trembling with anticipation for Steven Spielberg's remake of West Side Story. The movie, which was announced in 2014 and due to come out back in 2020, is so close to being released now, you can practically taste it.

The Original West Side Story is one of the most beloved musical movies of all time, and before the director was announced for the project people were understandably hesitant to get their hopes up. But when the news dropped that Spielberg himself was going to head up the remake, the excitement started to breed.

Now, the movie hasn't actually released yet, and it could still turn out to be an utter washout, so we can only speculate the greatness that may come. Still, all that excitement mixed with impatience has led to a wandering imagination.

You see, there is another classic movie musical in the need of a retelling, a chance to reintroduce an icon back into the world, for a new generation to experience: Singing In The Rain. If Spielberg can do West Side, he can do this dance-heavy, toe-tapping mega of a musical. Yes, we are without Debbie Reynolds and Gene Kelly, but with an open casting call similar to West Side's, we could find a new generation of legendary performers.


Lily thought it was about time she wrote Top Ten lists for people other than herself. She also owes her dog a lot of money so she thought it was about time to pay her dues. There is no tv show she likes that she hasn't seen at least twice.