10 Movies That Are Still Stuck In Development Hell

6. Austin Powers 4

Gremlins 3
New Line Cinema

The Austin Powers trio of films, released between 1997 and 2002, made Mike Myers a household name and earned almost $900 million at the box office. The 60s-style James Bond parodies were huge hits, and, given Hollywood's propensity for milking successful franchises for all they're worth, a fourth film seemed inevitable.

In 2007, Myers revealed plot details for the fourth film and said he hoped to start working on it soon, and Jay Roach was set to return as director. However, like with so many films in development hell, the project never seemed to get going.

Hype around the sequel had died down in recent years, but last year was the 20th anniversary of the first film, with Myers again saying he'd love to do another one. Then, the untimely passing of Verne Troyer, who played Mini-Me in the movies, seemed to eliminate any last hope of an Austin Powers 4. In May of this year, however, Myers maintained his interest in the idea and even suggested the film could include a tribute to Troyer.

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Gremlins 3
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Mike Pedley hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.