10 Movies That Are Still Stuck In Development Hell

5. Friday The 13th

Gremlins 3

Jason Voorhees is one of the most iconic horror characters of all time, slashing his way through teen after teen in ten original movies, released between 1980 and 2001. Freddy vs. Jason then came out in 2003 and was a big success, and the franchise was given a bit of a reboot in 2009. Despite middling reviews, it made a lot of money, but we haven't seen Jason since then.

A sequel was announced by Warner Bros. and set for release in 2010. Then, the problems began. The project was delayed, with producer Brad Fuller eventually posting on Twitter to say that the film was "dead" due to rights issues. Two studios, New Line (WB) and Paramount, shared the rights to Friday the 13th and struggled to agree on a plan for the next film.

Eventually, Paramount got all the rights and seemed keen to make the movie happen. Various announcements were made, with Fuller at one point saying the film would be a re-reboot, focusing on Jason's origin story and his mother.

The film seemed like it was finally happening and even had a fitting October 13th, 2017 (which was a Friday) release date. Then, Paramount called the whole thing off and it's looking more and more likely that Jason might stay buried for at least another few years.

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Gremlins 3
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