10 Movies That Completely Switched Genre Halfway Through

8. The World's End

From Dusk Till Dawn Quentin Tarantino George Clooney Salma Hayek
Universal Pictures

That's right, the Cornetto's Holy Trinity were back at it again in their next collaboration, with The World's End going full-on apocalyptic sci-fi after spending the first half setting both the stage and the character dynamics.

The coming-of-middle-age comedy draws a surprising amount of pathos among the laughs, with Simon Pegg's performance in particular one of the best of his career, but it still came a little out of the blue when Wright decided to go for broke and transform his tale of long-lost friendship into a full-blown alien invasion epic.

It isn't like the laughs don't stop coming, but the blue-blooded replicants give the filmmaker the leeway to drastically increase the level of violence without alarming the censors, and after zombies and buddy cop movies science fiction seemed like the next logical step for the Cornetto Trilogy.


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