10 Movies That Could Win Best Picture Next Year

8. A United Kingdom

Since the Academy is often such a big fan of true stories, here€™s another one. The British period piece A United Kingdom follows Seretse Kharma, a powerful African royal who renounced the throne so that he could follow his heart and marry a white English woman. If that sounds like the work of Nicholas Sparks, fear not, because the adult romance gives way to a real story of redemption, as Kharma would return home and become the first democratic President of what would become Botswana, leading his people to a time of prosperity. It may not be exactly what people are hoping for in terms of alleviating the €˜Oscars so white€™ concerns, but the importance of the racial topics in the film could help it along. Voters seem to want to reward a movie that pushes those boundaries and A United Kingdom just may be the film to benefit from that. Best not to forget mentioning the two leads for the film. They would be David Oyelowo and Rosamund Pike, two of the best in the business and the kind of actors that immediately give this film a lot of credibility, especially when coupled with its timely subject matter.

Connor loves movies, comics, and TV, and is trying to write for people who feel the same way. When he's not sitting on the couch with his laptop, you might find him lying in his bed with his laptop.