10 Movies That Picked The Wrong Twist

1. Red State

The Matrix Reloaded Neo

The Twist We Got

Kevin Smith's Red State is a surprisingly entertaining little horror film in which a group of horny teenagers end up preyed upon by a fundamentalist conservative church sect, led by Pastor Abin Cooper (a brilliant Michael Parks).

During a climactic raid on the compound by the authorities, a strange trumpet sound blares out, with Cooper's followers insisting that the Rapture has occurred.

Moments later, though, it's revealed that the sound was in fact a prank facilitated by a group of local college students who didn't take much kindly to the practises of Cooper and his cult.

The Twist We Wanted

But Kevin Smith soon enough revealed his original intended twist, that the Rapture would indeed come to pass.

ATF Special Agent Keenan (John Goodman) would watch as both members of the church and his own colleagues exploded from the inside out, before witnessing a 10-foot tall angel arriving and running one of the churchgoers through with a giant sword.

And best of all? The final shot would show the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse riding through the sky before the film cuts abruptly to black and rolls credits.

Smith's fans immediately lamented that this awesome-sounding twist ending didn't come to pass, but by Smith's own admission, the film's svelte $4 million budget couldn't accommodate such an ambitious sequence.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.