10 Movies That Picked The Wrong Twist

2. The Village

The Matrix Reloaded Neo
Buena Vista Pictures

The Twist We Got

Of course an M. Night Shyamalan twist was going to make it onto this list, and he's never pulled off a more infamous rug-pull than in The Village.

Despite marketing and presenting the film as a period thriller set in a remote 19th-century Pennsylvania village, we find out in act three that the story is in fact set in the modern day, and the village was created by a group of grief-stricken individuals keen to insulate themselves from the outside world.

The twist has remained hugely divisive in the near-20 years since, and for many marked the first sign that Shyamalan couldn't always tell a great twist apart from a bad or underwhelming one.

The Twist We Wanted

But Shyamalan could've won audiences back by dropping a double twist. Sure, reveal that the village is fake and that the "monsters" in the woods are just villagers in disguise, but just then the real twist occurs, as actual monsters show up to terrorise the village.

At this point the third act completely flips the script again, as Ivy (Bryce Dallas Howard) and the other villagers attempt to fend off the monsters, and it's fair to assume that the commotion will probably attract unwanted attention from the outside world.

It'd certainly have made for a more chaotic and entertaining finale than the rather anti-climactic resolution we ended up with.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.