10 Movies That Picked The Wrong Twist

4. Sunshine

The Matrix Reloaded Neo
Fox Searchlight

The Twist We Got

Late in Danny Boyle's sci-fi horror film Sunshine, physicist Robert Capa (Cillian Murphy) learns from the spaceship's onboard computer, Icarus, that there is an unexpected fifth person aboard the craft, whose oxygen use will prevent the mission's completion.

As it turns out, this stowaway is Pinbacker (Mark Strong), the captain of the first Icarus mission, who has been horribly disfigured and driven insane by his contact with the sun, which he believes to be God.

And like that, Sunshine transforms into a disappointingly familiar slasher movie for its remainder, as Pinbacker tries to slaughter the rest of the crew.

The Twist We Wanted

Ditch Pinbacker and instead reveal the fifth crew member to be Icarus itself, with the ship's computer becoming murderously self-aware and then attempting to prevent humanity from saving themselves.

Throwing a rogue AI into the mix may not be the most original twist in the world, but it would've been considerably more interesting than just having the remaining crew fending off a crazed murderer.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.