10 Movies That Prove The 90's Were The Golden Age Of Action

8. The Rock

Arnold Schwarzenegger Terminator 2

Michael Bay's best movie by a country mile, The Rock is unabashedly ridiculous in both idea and execution, but when its handled with this much self-confidence by the director and his cast it becomes virtually impossible not to get a kick out of it.

Nicolas Cage makes the seamless transition from Academy Award-winning dramatic actor to blockbuster leading man look easy, and his hyperactive performance generates fantastic chemistry with the grizzled charisma of co-star Sean Connery. The whole movie is packed full of fun one-liners and character beats, which likely has something to do with Aaron Sorkin and Quentin Tarantino taking uncredited passes at the script.

It was here that Bay honed his signature style and definitively stamped his mark on the action genre. By no means high art, the movie's buddy movie dynamic and exciting action sequences easily overcome the many weaknesses of the plot.


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