10 Movies That Really Stay With You

8. In The Mood For Love

requiem for a dream
USA Films

An undeniable great of non-Western cinema; Wong Kar-wai's breathtaking film looks at the impact that two simultaneously collapsing relationships have on the victims of their partners infidelity with each other. Our protagonists spend the film pining for each other but refusing to give in to those feelings based off a moral decision they make. It is heart-breaking to watch.

These characters belong together, it is so clear throughout, but they refuse to give in because they know the pain that infidelity can cause and they refuse to stoop to that level. Their motives are so pure and noble that it makes it all the more difficult to watch; because you understand but can't agree with them.

It is the final scene that really sticks in the memory; as Tony Leung's Chow whispers his unfulfilled desires into the hollow of a wall and buries them there forever. It is a gut-wrenchingly beautiful and intimate moment; we feel like we're intruding on something. A moment that stays with you.

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Writer/Editor/Director/Film-Maker/Frequenter of Childish Gambino’s Spotify Page- basically a perpetual procrastinator who never finishes anyt.... Got this Twitter thing goin' @ByrnAfterReadin