10 Movies That Redeemed Hated Characters In A Single Scene
2. Hawkeye - Avengers: Age Of Ultron

It's fair to say that very few MCU fans were bowled over by the initial appearances of Jeremy Renner's Hawkeye in the likes of Thor and The Avengers.
On top of being vastly inferior to the majority of his Avenger colleagues when it came to his unique bow and arrow capabilities, the character himself just wasn't as charismatic or compelling as any of his contemporaries.
By the time Avengers: Age of Ultron rolled around, Kevin Feige and co. seemingly realised Clint Barton was getting lost in the super-shuffle. So, along with giving the character a bit more attention in the sequel - taking a detour to his family farmhouse - and giving Barton an understandable motivation for Avenging, Age of Ultron also involved one scene in particular that took Hawkeye up a few levels in likability.
During the climactic battle of Sokovia, a panicking Wanda Maximoff is given the mother of all pep talks by the undervalued Avenger. After noting the absolute insanity of the situation, involving him fighting robots on a floating city with a bow and arrow, Hawkeye simultaneously convinces Wanda to fight for her home and fans that he is much more than just a throwaway hero.