10 Movies That Should Be Remade Next

8. Fantastic Voyage

The League Of Extraordinary Gentlemen
20th Century Fox

In the wrong hands, a remake of Richard Fleischer's classic sci-fi could come off as misguided at best and unintentionally hilarious at worst. However, with a strong creative team in place the potential is there to elevate what would be seen as a hokey premise by today's audiences into a gripping genre thriller.

No less a name than James Cameron has been hovering around a potential remake for two decades now, with the likes of Roland Emmerich, Paul Greengrass, Shawn Levy and Guillermo del Toro all being linked to the director's chair at various points.

The tale of a crack team of different personalities shrinking down to microscopic size to repair the damage done to the brain of an injured scientist is absolute nonsense on paper, but some strong writing and spectacular visuals could result in a sci-fi epic the likes of which haven't been seen in a long time.


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