10 Movies That Took Insane Steps To Prevent Spoilers
7. Tarantino Kept It In A Safe - Once Upon A Time In Hollywood

Out of all the directors on the list, Quentin Tarantino has the most reason to go to ridiculous lengths. Infamously, his previous film The Hateful Eight had its initial draft leaked online, bringing Tarantino to the brink of leaving the project altogether. Thankfully, he changed his mind and the final product took its rightful place in his already esteemed filmography.
However, these events left Tarantino somewhat paranoid next time round. Opting to keep the sole full script for Once Upon A Time In Hollywood locked in a safe, he only let main stars Leonardo DiCaprio, Brad Pitt and Margot Robbie read the ending before production. And even then they had to do so at his house with him present.
The final scenes were also kept from his cinematographer Robert Richardson (a frequent collaborator) until there was only two months left of production, where still only essential personnel had access. Interestingly, there was one other person who Tarantino let look at the script. Due to the inclusion of controversial filmmaker Roman Polanski, Tarantino showed it to one of Polanski's friends so he can report back to Polanski (currently stranded in Europe) to assure him there was nothing to worry about.